Easily Create Reltio Test Users with Gmail Aliases

Setting up multiple email addresses in order to create user accounts for testing is a pain. You have to manage not only the username and password for each account but also for the relevant email. Fortunately Gmail has a handy trick that allows you to append a plus (“+”) and a string to your current email to create an on the fly alias. For example:

jsnipes+testuser@reltio.com will send an email to the same address as jsnipes@reltio.com


  1. Choose a username without a “+” if possible. If you need to use this account with postman it will make it so that you do not have to replace the “+” with the encoding “%2B”
  2. For security, be sure to give all your test users unique and secure passwords. I recommend a password manager like Bitwarden for generating passwords and keeping them organized 
  3. The plus trick works for Outlook users with some tinkering in powershell. If that isn’t an option aliases can be created ahead of time 
  4. Be sure to clean up your test users after you are done just in case!